The city of Pingyao was the third leg of my trip to China in August 2012.
Get to Pingyao was simple.
From Datong (read my post on Datong) I took an overnight train that in about eight hours, led me to the destination.
Upon arrival in Pingayo, at about 6 in the morning, I then left the bags in a kind of shop near the station (for a few Yuan) and headed straight for the old city.
Small note on trains in China:
They are relatively inexpensive and are basically of 3 classes (if I remember correctly), divided by soft or hard seats.
At the time, when I went, there was a website where you can buy an electronic ticket to be printed and show the shift controller.
There was only the opportunity to book a ticket and then have it sent to a location of your choice in China.
Failing to contact the hotel via e-mail of the first stage, in the end I could not book the train first and then I made the ticket directly to Beijing, the ticket hotel (which was actually a guesthouse, but it is easier hotels say: p).
By doing so, however, I found a leg comada berth, while leaving Pingyao however the seats were sold out and I had to do the night journey in steerage with hard seat ... in short, a nightmare!
Another thing characteristic of the stations in China is that there are special lounges where you wait for the train.
I had read online that when it arrives the departure time the doors of the waiting rooms are opened and all run and push to take place, but fortunately in the end it was not so and there was no crowd .. . also because in the end all the seats are assigned :)
But because I went to Pingyao? What's nice in Pingyao?
At Pingyao you go to see the old town, a small town in pure ancient Chinese style, completely enclosed by walls.
I do not know how real it is still in Pingyao and how much has been packaged to attract tourists, the fact is that the result is more than satisfactory :)
To visit the city say that it would take just half a day, but having arrived at 6 am, we say that already at 11 did not know what to do ... and then train was at 9pm!
The only positive thing is that coming soon enjoyed for a while 'the city without tourists, making a nice walk in its charming streets.
Since there was still a lot 'of time to train, we then left the old city and we took a ride in the new one.
Usual speech: smog, chaos, traffic, road works, etc ...
So we must know how to appreciate these Chinese cities, if you are types used to luxury vacations or if you have a little 'snooty, forbear or make only organized tours: p
Here, however, you find the playlist of video taken in Pingyao:
This goal was very tiring because of the hours by train and the time I had to spend around, but was also very satisfactory and overall I would say it is worth the trip.
So if by chance you happen to China, please let us jump in Pingyao: p
Next stop: Xian (read my post about Xian), but beware of the first album of photos of Pingyao: