Sunday, January 29, 2017



Today is Sunday, but what is actually on Sunday?

One day of the week you say ... accurate, and more precisely the one after Saturday and before Monday: p

Seriously, on Sundays as well as being the last day of the week (not for everyone actually, for example in the United States and in England is considered the first) is for us a day of rest.
Of course, not all of course, there are those who works on Sundays, but in the collective Sunday is synonymous with rest.

On Sundays many families get together, for others it is instead an opportunity to make a trip out of town, to go fishing, to practice a bit 'of sport or to do some' shopping.
Once in the city the Domenca meant everything closed, but now is no longer so, most stores are open on Sundays, and there are many shopping centers almost always open and where they sell everything.

Before the advent of Christianity, Sunday was considered the day of the sun, in honor of the divinity Sol Invictus (the Sun God), but now all we know is what (do you remember not how the earth was created? No, I do not speak of the big bang theory from which the entire universe is generated: p).

Although it is said that the seventh day he rested, the origin of Sunday as a day of rest is a pagan.
In Christianity, however, Sunday is a day to devote to worship.

But the term Sunday what comes from? I'll Ever wondered?
The weekdays were even awarded by the Babylonians and then be inherited by the Romans.
They originate from the sun and the planets, and they are in the order:

  • Monday (Lunae dies): the day of the Moon
  • Tuesday (Martis dies): the day of Mars
  • Wednesday (Mercuri dies): the day of Mercury
  • Thursday (Jovis dies): the day of Jupiter
  • Friday (Veneris dies): the day of Venus
  • Saturday (Saturni dies): the day of Saturn
  • Sunday (dies Solis): the day of the Sun

If you notice well, Sunday is the only day of the week that has a name that does not c'azzecca apparently nothing from its derivative Latin: p

Well, if you do not like to end this post by wishing...

Have a nice Sunday!